Outpatient Services

Basic Information

In recent years, many common procedures and treatments are performed on an outpatient basis. Our specialist physicians provide in-person consultation services for your health problem or concern. In addition to physician’s consultation, we provide accurate diagnostic services on the basis of clinical data/information obtained through the use of advanced medical equipment/devices, and then provide personalized care (or treatments) that meet your needs.

Information on this page is for patients who are currently residing in Japan or are staying in Japan for a short term for trip or business. If you are currently not in Japan and consider receiving medical services at Aizawa Hospital, please go to "For International Patients" page. As for medical departments at Aizawa Hospital, please go to "Medical Services" page.


Patients are required to make an appointment with a doctor prior to your visit in order to receive an in-person consultation or other medical services at Aizawa Hospital.

To make an appointment with a doctor, please call the following number.

If you are not capable of communicating in Japanese, please ask your family members, friends, or someone else to help you making an appointment in Japanese.

Reception Hours / Consultation Hours

In-Person Consultation services are available from Monday to Friday, except for holidays.

Reception hoursConsultation hours
Morning8:00am – 11:30am9:00am – 12:00am
Afternoon1:30pm – 3:30pm2:00pm – 5:00pm

Hours vary depending on the department.

Those who consider receiving an in-person consultation service at Aizawa Hospital but are not capable of communicating in Japanese, please visit us with one of your family members, relatives, friends, or someone else who can communicate in Japanese and assists you in regard to communication between you and our staff during your visit.

Aizawa Hospital is able to arrange an interpreter for your consultation visit if you cannot find any accompanying person. However, please be aware that the interpreter may not be present on your preferred consultation day or your preferred consultation time. Thus, you may have to wait for the interpreter to arrive.


Since our outpatient services are on reservation only, please plan to complete registration at the Reception Window or by the Automated Check-in Machine on the 1st floor 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. Also, though in rare cases, your appointment may be drastically delayed when the physician has to take care of an emergency patient. We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

What to Bring

Please bring the following items.

  • One of the identification cards below (If you do not possess Japanese citizenship)

    • Passport: Including your visa and its expiration date
    • Residence Card: If you are residing in Japan for the mid-to long-term
    • Other photo-identification card, such as driver’s license

      If you cannot present any of the above IDs without reasonable excuse, we may have to report you to the police or the Immigration Bureau as a suspected illegal immigrant.

  • Health Insurance Card (If you are insured by the Japanese National Health Insurance Program)

  • Patient Registration Card (If you received any medical services at Aizawa Hospital in the past)
  • A referral letter, medical reports, and other documents that describes your clinical condition(If you are referred to us from another medical facility)
  • Medications (Drugs), their instructions, and a Medication notebook(If you currently take any medications)
  • Cash or a credit card

Registration Flow

The registration process differs among patients (e.g., first-visit patients, re-visit patients, referred patients)

First-visit patients
  • Those who visit Aizawa Hospital as an outpatient for the first time.
  • Those who have completed treatment at Aizawa Hospital in the past, but are visiting for a different problem this time.
Re-visit patients Those who visit a specified physician/department in an ongoing manner.
Referred patients Those who are referred to Aizawa Hospital from another physician/medical facility.

Registration Flow

Billing and Payment Flow (Check-out Process)

In most hospitals in Japan, patients pay their medical bills when they check out, thus payment shall be made at the end of your each visit. Since the total medical cost varies depending on the number and type of tests you take, we cannot determine how much your medical cost will be until the consultations and tests are done.
If you have any questions regarding your medical cost, please feel free to ask the receptionist.

Billing and Payment Flow

Billing and Payment Flow

Out-of-pocket Expenses

Your out-of-pocket expense varies depending whether you have Japanese National Health Insurance or not.

Your out-of-pocket expense
With Japanese National Health Insurance10%-30% of your total medical cost
Without Japanese National Health Insurance100% of your total medical cost

If you do not have a referral letter from another hospital or medical institution when visiting us for the first time, we will have to charge you additional 8,000JPY for “First Visit Service Fee” at the first visit.

This system was established by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to promote the allocation of functions and activities among medical facilities/institutions. Under this system, patients are encouraged to visit their family doctor/ a local clinic for basic health problem and management. Hospitals with 200 or more beds are encouraged to see patients with more complex problem or patients who require specialized medical services or hospitalization. Aizawa Hospital is an acute care hospital mainly accepts inpatients that need specialized medical services or care. We would appreciate your understanding.

Payment Methods

  • Payment can be made by cash or one of the following credit cards.

  • For private insurance (travel insurance) holders

    When you visit Aizawa as an outpatient, payments shall be made when you check-out on the day of your consultation or examination. Therefore, there is no time for you/us to contact your insurance company and send them your medical documents to let them judge your applicability. Regarding that, we would like to request you to pay the full amount at the hospital, and submit a claim to your insurance company afterwards.

Apply for Medical Documents

If you would like to have a copy of your medical documents, please apply at the Documents Window near by the main entrance. We cannot accept application by telephone or email.

A medical certificate for private insurance companies or for public fund programs requires a designated form. If you are applying for them, please submit the designated form when requesting for the documents. For other purposes, please check if you need a designated form or not in advance and bring the form to us if there is one.

Application Form for medical documents Download Application Form
  • The physician’s approval is required for issuing some documents.
  • Please apply for the document at the Documents Window on the 1st floor of the hospital.
  • A hospital staff will call you as soon as your document is ready. Please come to the hospital to receive it whenever you have time.
    If you would like the document sent to you by postal mail, please write the request on the application form.
  • In general, documents are issued in Japanese, however, some documents can be created in English or Chinese.
  • If the applicant is not the patient him/herself, the following documents are required.
    • An ID of the person applying (driver’s license, insurance card, residence card, passport, etc.)
    • An authorization from the patient Download Authorization Form

When hospitalization is needed

When patients are considered for admission as an inpatient, the physician will explain to you the reason for hospitalization, the proposed care, and the desirable admission date. So please discuss with the physician about these matters.
After scheduling your hospitalization, staffs will explain about what to bring, important notes, etc. at the Hospitalization booth on the 1st floor of the hospital.